PostgreSQL 13 on Windows Server 2016 DC

Art Group

PostgreSQL 13 on Windows Server 2016 DC

Art Group

Outstanding database system solution

PostgreSQL 13 on Windows Server 2016 DC

PostgreSQL 13, often referred to as Postgres, is a powerful open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its robustness, extensibility, and advanced features. It offers a wide range of functionality that caters to the needs of developers, data analysts, and administrators.

PostgreSQL 13 adheres to the relational database model, providing strong ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliance. It supports the SQL standard and offers a rich set of SQL commands for managing data, creating tables, and performing complex queries.

PostgreSQL 13 supports a wide range of data types, including basic types like integer, text, boolean, and more. It also offers advanced types such as arrays, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers), hstore (key-value pairs), and geometric types (for handling spatial data).

PostgreSQL 13 places a strong emphasis on security. It provides a range of security features, including authentication and authorization mechanisms, SSL/TLS encryption for secure connections. PostgreSQL is designed to scale horizontally and vertically. It supports parallel query execution, which allows for distributing the workload across multiple CPUs.

Take a look at our solution right now, and start using PostgreSQL 13 on Windows Server 2016 DC. Build a powerful system for data storage and processing.

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